
For Creators:

  • An ad categorization system to serve ads that are similar to their content's subject matter.
    (Ex. A site with medical articles like WebMD would serve medical related ads, and a tech site would have tech related ads, etc. Ads are then more likely to be relevant to consumer interest, but without the need for advertisers to track consumers.)
  • A fair system to report problematic ads.
    (Ex. An advertiser advertising child pornography is not only breaking CACA rules, but also federal law and can be reported.)
  • Staff to help integrate ads into content, while ensuring compliance with CACA rules. These staff should be human, not an awful algorithmic bot... which has the added benefit of creating jobs!

  • The following strictly enforced guidelines to ensure ads aren't abused.

1. Ads must not use more than 10% total of the content's size (by bandwidth or length in the case of audio/video content). This means a creator must have content, and not be solely trying to make money from ads with minimal effort. In other words, no spamming!
(Ex. You may not make a ten minute video about the latest flagship phone... and then proceed to put 2 minutes worth of ads in the video. Also, you may not stretch out your video lazily just so you can fit more ads.)

2. Ads may not use more than 10% of screen real estate at any point. Again, no spamming!
(Ex. You may not make a short, one paragraph article about birds... and then proceed to cover the rest of the page in ads.)

3. Ads may not be intrusive! You cannot cover content with ads, or put it in-between the main content without fair and proper disclosure.

4. Ads may not be refreshed automatically, or without intervention.

For Advertisers:

  • Ad categorization to categorize ads. 
    (Ex. Tech category for PCs, phones, etc. Medical category for medicine, hospitals, etc. Industrial for heavy equipment, tools, etc.)
  • A fair system to report problematic creators.
    (Ex. A creator of tech videos puts ads for everything on their content reducing the effectiveness of ad campaigns by serving irrelevant ads can be reported.)
  • Staff to help advertisers to design effective ads, while ensuring compliance with CACA rules. These staff should be human, not an awful algorithmic bot... which has the added benefit of creating jobs!

  • The following strictly enforced guidelines to ensure ads are of good quality.

1. All ads must be moral and safe for work. No pornography/sexually suggestive material, illegal drugs, illegal services, terrorism, etc.

2. Ads must be plain text or light images/video. They may be animated GIFs, as long as they're not distracting/disruptive. They may not autoload or autoplay video/audio at any point. All ads must be small in download size (50KB or less). This will help ensure high performance even on slow hardware and poor networks, as well as helping data capped users stay connected.

3. Ads may not be made to deceive, or be malicious in intent. No malware, spyware, etc. No scamming!

4. Ads should not flash in a way that is disruptive (this should help protect epileptics as well).

For Consumers:

  • A fair system to report problematic ads.


The Advertisers Creators Consumers Association